Sunday, February 26, 2017

Maher's version of 'terrorism'

     In his article, "Bill Maher refers to Steve Bannon as a terrorist." posted in Townhall on February 25,2017, Justin Holcomb shares his views on Bill Maher and his comments towards White House advisor Steve Bannon. In Bill Maher's opening monologue on "Real Time", Bill Maher commented on Steve Bannon's speech at CPAC regarding the "deconstruction of the administrative state" and made the statement , "I'm not sure the word for that is 'conservative.' I think it's 'terrorist'." Justin Holcomb, who feels Maher took things 'a bit too far', makes his opinions on Maher very clear and one sided. Holcomb disagrees with Maher and states that, "Maher has abandoned his liberal principles and is now a proponent of keeping things the way they are. Anyone who voices a contrary opinion or challenges the status quo is now considered a "terrorist." I can't say that I agree or disagree with Justin Holcomb, seeing that I don"t have knowledge about Bill Maher or Steve Bannon. However, I feel that Justin Holcomb doesn't provide enough information to convince his readers to switch or consider his views.

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